Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thing 1: Reflections on Lifelong Learning

I have always considered myself a lifelong learner, even when I was so young the idea of being a lifelong anything was a little pretentious. I believe when you stop learning, you may as well just hang it up and call the funeral home to make arrangements, because you're done. That said, with the 7 1/2 Habits in mind, some are easier for me than others.

The easiest habit for me to maintain is probably the first: begin with a goal in mind. To quote a great song by Phish, "I don't wanna do anything where I don't know when to stop." If you don't know where you're going, how will you know how to get there? How will you know when you arrive? I do think, though, that "discovery" and "adventure" are worthwhile goals, and you shouldn't get so hung up on the destination that you can't enjoy the journey. Still, for most purposes, it is definitely helpful to have concrete goals in mind from the very beginning.

The hardest habit for me is the third, viewing problems as challenges. That's not to say I discourage easily, but I tend not to enjoy those sorts of challenges. Intellectually I can understand that difficulty is a great teacher, but it's different for me to feel anything other than a sense of grim determination, and that's not a pleasant way to feel. I also suspect it keeps me from learning all I could from adversity.

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